
Achieving Recovery, Resiliency & Responsibility Through Creativity

What is A.R.T.C?

Through our Achieving Recovery, Resiliency & Responsibility Through Creativity (A.R.T.C.) programs, PFH strives to provide a wide range of creative opportunities and experiences which allow program participants, young and old to use their talents, strengths and interests as tools for personal growth and recovery.

Originally developed within our adolescent substance abuse treatment programs we have expanded A.R.T.C. to provide adults with substance use disorders and those struggling with persistent mental illness as well as youth experiencing a broad range of risks with innovative opportunities in both the prevention and treatment arenas. With strong visual and performing arts components, A.R.T.C. strives to use the language of creativity to ensure individuals with a wide variety of learning styles are given impactful opportunities to learn and change.

Focused on the provision of both strengths and interest based prevention activities and interventions, A.R.T.C. takes both education and intervention to a new level, providing engaging and powerful vehicles within which to deliver messages of hope and crucial information that will allow for sustained personal change.

Using a variety of artistic mediums, A.R.T.C. participants learn to lower their defenses and express feelings without the use of mood-altering substances, and in doing so, discover parts of their selves that were otherwise hidden by a multitude of negative coping strategies and life circumstances. Participants further explore feelings and expand communication skills by discussing their completed projects in group and individual counseling settings. As their strengths and talents are validated by others, the participants experience an increase in confidence and self-worth.

Many of our locations offer ARTC as an integrated service to our consumers. The locations below offer ARTC as a stand-alone OR integrated service.

 For more information regarding ARTC please visit the sites below: ARTC on Pinterest ARTC on Reverb Nation ​ ​

“Whatever their strengths, their talents, their abilities, their weaknesses and their concerns we must celebrate, cherish and encourage all human beings to be the best they can be, to put their best foot forward, to show the world how amazing they are!” – Kasey Harlin -A.R.T.C. Program Director

The A.R.T.C Method

A.R.T.C. currently consists of one to three groups per week focused on completion of group projects addressing issues pertinent to consumers who are struggling with substance abuse, high risk behaviors and a variety of related issues. Each group entails a pre-group or post-group discussion centered on the issue of choice (ie emotions, impact of substance abuse, family issues, past trauma, asking for help, coping strategies) coupled with the completion of a project that allows the issue of focus to be expressed in an alternative, creative manner. In addition creative expression is being utilized in individual therapy through the use of drawing journals, poetry journals, lyric analyses and various art projects and on a larger scale within our school-based prevention and early intervention programs.

We have found many individuals tend to express themselves more openly through these unconventional means. A unique element of the A.R.T.C. program is community involvement. We provide consistent opportunities throughout the year for our consumers to display their talents to a larger community audience. Gallery showings, musical performances, poetry readings and festivals are just a few of the venues through which we enable participants to display their strengths and receive a wider range of accolades from the communities they belong to. Our consumers are discovering talents they never knew they had leading to an increase in overall feelings of self worth and the discovery of sober recreational outlets they can participate in following their completion of treatment.

A.R.T.C Goals

Despite the tremendous growth of A.R.T.C. since its inception, we are far from reaching our goal. Our mission is for A.R.T.C. to become an even more centralized component of our comprehensive treatment programs and to continue to expand to offer A.R.T.C. to broader consumer base. Our goals also include acquisition of additional musical recording equipment, musical instruments, photography equipment, and videography equipment for all of our sites. The remarkable impact of creative expression on the consumers with whom we work becomes more and more evident every day. It is the aim of Preferred Family Healthcare, Inc. to always think outside of the box and consistently strive to provide the highest quality care to our consumers through the most innovative means possible.

Soberboyz - "Sober"